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The Central West End Neighborhood Security Initiative partners with local law enforcement efforts to ensure the continuous safety of its residents.

The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department collaborates with the Central West End Neighborhood Security Initiative and its supplemental security companies to maintain a strong working partnership. The NSI communicates daily with the Commander of the 5th District to coordinate crime prevention strategies. Click here for more info.


The Circuit Attorney's Office of St. Louis works to inspire confidence in the criminal justice system by: leveraging our resources to reduce the crime rate in St. Louis city, educating and engaging the community in keeping their neighborhoods safe, creating respectful and credible partnerships with all constituents, and attracting and retaining the top law professionals in the region. 


The Central West End Neighborhood Initiative works closely with the Circuit Attorney’s office to ensure the full criminal prosecution with crimes in the Central West End. For more information, click here to visit the Circuit Attorney's website.



The Central West End has a new program available to residents that want to work with local law enforcement and city agencies to help keep the neighborhood clean, safe and secure. If you walk your dog, run/jog, or bike through the neighborhood on a regular basis we could use your help.  Learn how you can be proactive in identifying quality of life issues and crime in the CWE. Learn the best ways to report those issues and the correct agencies to contact when you do! Please see the flyer for the date and details of the training. For questions or to RSVP please contact Madeline Oberman at 314-454-5808 or



The City’s Finest, LLC is a St. Louis security company that specializes in the deployment of supplemental police bike patrols for neighborhoods and special events throughout the City of St. Louis. The City's Finest employs police officers from the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department and have a vehicle fleet comprised of Trek Police Mountain Bikes, Can-Am Commander ATV’s, and Can-Am Spyder Motorcycles. The City's Finest uses advanced technology such as night vision, ArcGIS crime mapping, GPS, security cameras and computerized reporting. This technology is combined with a management team that uses their law enforcement experience to effectively deploy resources.






Washington University Medical Center and the Central West End Neighborhood Security Initiative collaborated to install cameras throughout the Central West End. The high-definition color IP security cameras concentrate on the major streets, alleys, and sidewalks in the Central West End. The new cameras supplement existing privately owned security cameras that are already in place on businesses and residential buildings in the neighborhood. These cameras record 24/7. This measure is an added layer to the existing safety and security efforts in the Central West End, which includes 2,800 additional supplemental patrols annually and court advocacy.


Bicycling is a very popular activity in the Central West End area. Whether you are a bike commuter or an avid cyclist, having your prized bicycle stolen can be tragic. The Central West End Neighborhood Security Initiative is here to remind residents how to avoid bicycle theft, how to register your bike with the NSI, and what to do if a bike is lost or stolen. Click here for more information.


.The mission of Protective Services at Washington University School of Medicine is to protect the safety and welfare of all community members and ensure the security of assets.


Click here for more information.

Report it Logo,

ReportIt is provided to you because your local law enforcement agency wants you to be prepared in the event of a theft or loss. It's a proactive tool that allows you to easily catalog information about your valuables. This includes serial numbers, owner applied numbers, photos of property and scans of receipts. It's completely internet based, so you never have to worry about losing the data you have saved. Click here for more information.


Phone: (314) 454-5808  Fax: (314) 361-0496

447 N. Euclid  St. Louis, MO 63108

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