The NSI tracks criminal cases that involve the Central West End, and promote neighborhood safety by encouraging participation in court proceedings.

Neighborhood Impact Statements
One of the most powerful crime fighting tools is an active, engaged neighborhood. When residents, visitors or businesses supply Neighborhood Impact Statements about how a particular crime or conduct has impacted them or their neighborhood, that statement can be used to help the Court understand a particular case. The Circuit Attorney uses that information both at bond hearings and at sentencing to help the Court realize the real-life ripple effect of crime. A sample Neighborhood Impact Statement is included on this site.
All impact statements must be hand delivered to our office or mailed to 447 N. Euclid, St. Louis, MO 63108. We cannot accept emailed or faxed impact statements because a signature is required. To submit an impact statement, you must have completed the Advocacy Volunteer training. Contact your neighborhood advocate for more.
Consider how crimes, such as the one you are referencing, have:
affected your neighborhood/community
affected area business
affected property value
affected residents and their children
Here is some information about the content your Neighborhood Impact Statement should include:
Honorable Judge XYZ
Division #
22nd Judicial Circuit
Re: State vs. defendant’s name, Cause No.
Dear Judge XYZ:
Basic rules:
Always respectful to the Court
No insults to a particular defendant
No insults to a particular defense attorney
Can never tell a judge what to do, can only tell them how a crime has impacted you or your neighborhood
Do not have to give your address
Some judges may require signed letters (if so try to get a petition form)
Sample ideas (consider one or more of these):
Citizen of Forest Park Southeast
How long you lived or worked in FPSE
How drug dealing impacts FPSE:
people leave area rather than deal with traffic
constant foot/vehicle traffic
fear of threats
fear of robbery
loss of businesses
loss of confidence in system and police
personal stories of drug deals or use you’ve witnessed
- Ending:
Ask judge to consider impact of drug use/dealing in FPSE in his/her sentence
Thank judge for allowing you to speak or reading your letter
Close with "Respectfully yours."
Click the PDF document below for a sample Neighborhood Impact Statement.