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The Central West End Neighborhood Security Initiative is working closely with a court advocate to provide residents and business owners with updates regarding court hearings and outcomes. With this new position, we hope to build stronger communication between the courts and the community, advocate for higher sentencing and bonds for offenders, and attract more representation from neighborhood stakeholders at court hearings. For more information, contact Carolyn Compton, Neighborhood Court Advocate.


The Officer and Volunteer Recognition Program is was created by the NSI to create positive reinforcement for outstanding work on behalf of area police officers and volunteers in increasing safety in the Central West End neighborhood.

Wall of Fame

Officer Recognition is awarded to 5th District and The City’s Finest officers for outstanding deeds in protecting citizens, patrons, and properties within the Central West End neighborhood. Categories of Officer Award include: Major Arrest, Citizen/Patron Assistance, and Executive Director’s Award.


Volunteer Recognition is awarded to neighborhood volunteers for leadership, courage and contributions to the enhancement of public safety, victim support and community outreach in the Central West End neighborhood. Categories of Volunteer Award include: Victims Assistance, Court Advocacy, and Director’s Choice.


Recipients will be given a framed certificate, an gift from the NSI, an inclusion on the Wall of Fame, and an invitation to be recognized at the NSI public safety meetings.  


To nominate an officer or volunteer, please contact the NSI office at (314) 454-5808 or email Jim Whyte at

***Check back for updates***


Phone: (314) 454-5808  Fax: (314) 361-0496

447 N. Euclid  St. Louis, MO 63108

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