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Community Unites for Retired Green Beret

Something remarkable recently happened at the CWE NSI office. A local homeless man named Mike found a coin in the street earlier this year. Realizing it was actually a commemorative coin for service with the United States Army Special Forces, Mike brought the coin over to Dan Zarrick, an SLMPD Lieutenant who also works secondary patrols in the Central West End neighborhood. Lt. Zarrick immediately started working to find the man the coin belonged to. It turned out that Henry, a retired Green Beret, had his car broken into in the Metro East area. The coin, and other items, had been stolen from his car but he was hopeful the coin would be returned to him. On February 24, 2020, Henry, Mike, and Dan met at our office so that Henry could meet the heroes that returned his coin to him.

This story was recently featured on KMOV4, which you can check out here.

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